Antonia Briggs
Antonia Briggs is a Raccoon Kid Jenny on the Raccoon Reina/Kid body in NS. She arrived in November 2023 and joined the Tiny humanoids in January 2024.
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Antonia Briggs is a Raccoon Kid Jenny on the Raccoon Reina/Kid body in NS. She arrived in November 2023 and joined the Tiny humanoids in January 2024.
Pauline Briggs is a Raccoon woman Nina on the Naturally Posing slim body (NaPoSlim) in NS. She arrived in October 2023 and joined the Tiny humanoids in January 2024.
Solveig Eiger Iversen is a Raccoondoll Rose on the New Slim body in normal skin. She arrived in 2022 and joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2023.
Viveca Nyberg is a Raccoondoll Ivy on the New Slim body in normal skin. She arrived in 2021 and joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2022.
Esmée Landow is a Raccoondoll Daisy on the slim body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2021.
Karla Dante is an Iplehouse FID Doria on the classic body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2020. Karla is Dandelion’s sister, and they launched DANDELIONs GEAR together, an alternative fashion brand.
Dandelion Dante is an Iplehouse FID Bianca on the curvy body in peach gold. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2020. Dandelion is Karla’s younger sister, and they launched DANDELIONs GEAR together, an alternative fashion brand.
Gideon Hofer is an Iplehouse FID Tedros on the model body in normal skin. He joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2019. Gideon is married to Judith Hofer.
Judith Hofer is an Iplehouse FID Isabel on the curvy body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2019. Judith is married to Gideon Hofer.
Melisande de Vries is an Iplehouse FID Harace on the classic body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2018. Melisande received a make-over in February 2020.
Bell Jones is a Raccoondoll Lara on the slim body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2018. She has various tattoos and likes a different hair color once in a while.
Queenie Legrand is a Raccoondoll Rosie on the slim body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2018. Queenie shares her house with Roux, Ludivine and Walden. She is proud owner of a horse.
Ludivine Etienne is a Raccoondoll Emma on the slim body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2018. Ludivine shares house with Queenie, Walden and Roux.
Everett Gregoriev is an Iplehouse FID Leonard on the muscle body in normal skin. He joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2018. Everett is owner of Eve’s Eatery and former ballet dancer.
Walden Ambrose is an Iplehouse FID Claude on the model body in normal skin. He joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2018. He is house mate to Queenie, Roux and Ludivine. Walden is a photographer.
Roux de Moreau is an Iplehouse FID Raffine on the classic body in normal skin. She joined the Tiny Humanoids in 2017 – or rather was the first FID and started the mature Mini community.