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Pauline Briggs

Head: Raccoon woman Nina | NS

Body: Raccoon NaPoSlim body, small bust NS

Year: 2023

Wig: Jusuns (modified)
Eyes: Glib oval glass light grey 6mm
Painted by ResinRapture

Tiny humanoid

Nine years ago a young clerk named Pauline Briggs went to the 50 years’ company anniversary party of the company she was working for. Outdoor event, a wonderful summer night and more than 300 guests. Employees, friends of the family, suppliers… Pauline didn’t know half of them. But she met a very nice young man named Walden, and after a lot of flirting, laughter and drinks they had a little private party. It was a magical, dreamlike and happy night, and Pauline never expected to meet him again. She went home, was hung over the next morning and had a new fond memory for rainy and lonely days.

Pauline just went on with her life as usual until she realized 6 weeks later that there might be a reason for certain irregularities. Somehow the night had been so dreamlike that it came as a bit of a shock that it had very real consequences. Pauline was pregnant and didn’t even know the father’s last name. She wasn’t even sure if his name was Walton or Walden. She tried to find out if any of her colleagues knew who he was, but nobody remembered or knew him.

To make a long story short: Pauline decided to raise the baby as a single mom. She named her daughter Antonia, and with the help of her family they managed really well. Pauline had a relationship with a colleague for a couple of years, but he didn’t really want responsibility for a kid that wasn’t his. Pauline decided she was better off alone with Toni, but it was difficult.

Pauline told her daughter that she was a magical gift, the result of something wonderful. That her real dad and her mom just met once, that he couldn’t be found and that he doesn’t know he has a daughter. Her father would love her if he knew her. And Antoniaย  knows she looks a lot like him.

But when Antonia was seven, Pauline found a picture of Antonia’s biological father on the internet by accident. It was an article about interior design and an interview with the photographer. Walden. She found a link to his website and contacted him.

Of course it was daunting for her and a shock for him at first but they were on the same wavelength again pretty quickly. Since then they have been talking about lots of things, their lives and of course Antonia. Walden wanted to meet her and take responsibility, and Pauline wanted Antonia to meet her father. But Pauline didn’t want to tell her right away, she wanted to get to know Walden better first.

Pauline and Walden are just in tune. They were back then and they are now. Pauline can be herself with him. They are quite different, but they share an intuitive feeling about what’s important, when it’s time to switch from mockery to earnest and how to deal with problems. Chemistry and trust – and a pretty good chance there could be a lot more long term. They both want to give it a try and share the responsibility for Antonia. Pauline decided to move into the neighborhood, and Pauline, Walden and Antonia spend a lot of time together. They didn’t know how that would work out, and they didn’t want to rush things after all those years. They don’t live together yet, but very close, and Walden still needs to travel a lot for his job. But somehow Pauline, Walden and Antonia feel like a family now. They rely on each other. Antonia figured out that Walden is her father even before she was told and adopted him. So there’s a very good chance for a happy ending.

Pauline is working in an office while Antonia is at school. She made friends with Melisande, they share the single mom experience and both like to dance. Pauline loves Rock’n’Roll, rockabilly, jive and swing, she even took part in a couple of dance competitions in her teenage years. These days it’s neo swing on her own mostly. And she likes retro fashion. She is as energetic as her daughter, tough when she needs to be and pretty independent. She likes people and makes friends easily, but the most important person in her life is Antonia. For her she will deny herself almost everything if it’s necessary.

If you only see the profile picture of the new character in the posts by mail, go to the blog to see more. The newsletter script doesn’t always work with the doll profile template gallery.

4 thoughts on “Pauline Briggs”

  1. Pauline is so beautiful, I love her hair! The family is lovely, and so is the story. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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