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Tag: Fabrics

Summer dresses and more fabric

You might recognize the fabric I used for Ludivine’s jersey tunic and the flower poplin Seraphine wears. The fabric was part of the birthday haul.  Seeing all the fabric the

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Where was the blue ribbon again? Re-organizing the stash and finding long forgotten treasures…

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Yes, it’s pink!

I received a very funny gift yesterday. Thank you so much, styx! It’s kind of an inside-joke, styx has been commenting on my blog for quite some time, and while

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Plaid shirt and new fabric

Do I need more fabric? Not really, but I can always use more. I got this today, basic white cotton popeline for shirts and a grey-beige knitted fabric for sweaters,

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Space… I need more space!

Before I started the hobby I actually had space. Not a lot, but enough. That changed with the dolls. All that stuff, the boxes –  which I can’t store in

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