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Tag: Carina

Long time no see – Eryn

It seems everybody is digging up the neglected dolls lately. I have seen quite a few of them appearing on other people’s blogs. It’s nice to see, really. Or see

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Long time no see

It’s been a while since I took pictures of the big girls, they have not been out of the closet for months. Time to change that. After working with Blythe

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Blue shirt for Eryn

I must be crazy. As if there wasn’t enough work waiting for me I decided to actually set up WordPress on my own domain to move the blog. Not right

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Happy New Year!

I wish you all a healthy, happy and wonderful 2020! Tristania, Eryn and Judith start the new year warm and cuddly, all three of them have new sweaters. I had

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Saturday story time

Eryn and Solovet needed to go shopping today, so Seraphine and Tristania look after Fiona and Amanthis. They all came over for breakfast. Amanthis loves strawberry jam, and she only

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Give me red

Remember the flower print fabric I got a while ago? Eryn hinted that she’d like something for the warm weather, and since Eryn loves red this is the result. Tiny

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They have to come off

Time for a haircut Eryn’s hair started to seriously annoy her.   And Sophia tried on new dresses. She is not really sure about the mauve. But she likes the

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Simply red

I haven’t written in a while, and the holidays are a good occasion to do just that. Happy holidays, everyone 🙂 ! My renovation was chaotic to say the least,

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Eryn Luna MacLean

Eryn Luna MacLean is an Iplehouse Carina on a SID body in normal skin. She joined the Moonchild community in 2014. Eryn is mother of Fiona & Mailin, Finn & Neala and fosters Amanthis and Dots. Eryn is part of the MacLean family clan.

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