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Long time no see – Eryn

It seems everybody is digging up the neglected dolls lately. I have seen quite a few of them appearing on other people’s blogs. It’s nice to see, really. Or see again.

And after I have unearthed some of the big guys, Eryn should be given some room to show her face again, too. I really need to make some more clothes for her. She is one of those girls who is quite content with her very first outfit, jeans and a checkered shirt. She usually ends up wearing them again, even if I re-dress her for pictures. I don’t know what it is, some dolls are just like that. Do you have a doll that doesn’t favor changes in outfit or style? One that seems to say “Give me back MY clothes?”. Or maybe I just get weirder every year…


9 thoughts on “Long time no see – Eryn”

  1. Haha! No you’re not weird Mia, I have some dolls just like your Eryn, no matter what new outfits I make, they demand to wear the very first outfit I made for them. It’s lovely to see Eryn again. 🙂
    Big hugs,

  2. For me, these dolls of yours are new as I haven’t seen them previously and they are all so beautifully done. I love that she has freckles too. I have a weakness for dolls with freckles! My fantasy dolls are the only ones that like to stay in their character clothing. I rarely change them out of it – just check them to make sure there are no staining happening and whether the clothes need a wash.

    1. Glad you like them. I have not done anything with the big dolls for a while, so it’s no wonder you haven’t seen them before. Some of mine have a lot of stuff and always appreciate new things, and some seem to like their first outfit best.

      1. Some dolls do have this clothes thing, haha! And Eryn looks great with short hair, it suits her personality. Great to see her! She has a lovely face.

  3. She’s stunning, truly! And her wig is one of the best, most-realistic short-hair styles I’ve ever seen!

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