Another twin style dress set, this time with white collars and underskirt. I didn’t get the same pattern in two colours, but I think these two work.
Another twin style dress set, this time with white collars and underskirt. I didn’t get the same pattern in two colours, but I think these two work.
I like the crisp white collars and white buttons against the dark colors. It doesn't matter if the prints are slightly different because the style is the same for both. And the necklaces add a very nice touch. Your twins are lucky to have such an attentive and talented doll mother. Great job!
Thank you :). I love to sew for these two. They have a great size to handle and sew for, and I get to use all the tiny flower prints 🙂
Oh my, the dresses look amazing!! Can I ask how you managed to craft such perfect and neat collars? Mine always look pathetic (of course, I have only tried those on 16cm dolls), and my MSD shirt collars also look terrible.
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