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Success and frustration

Success first: I finished an outfit today. Excuse the crappy pictures, but I had to photograph it slightly overexposed. The fabric is very dark brown with a black gradient dye, painted black spatter and black and silver dots. With normal lighting it looks just dark and the details are not really as visible as they are in real life. The skirt is layered, the underskirt is brown with a black gradient dye and the over skirt is asymmetric black net. I call this creation ‘rotten stardust’, and it was inspired by a friend’s doll (a very intriguing Iplehouse Kali). It’s supposed to look a bit ragged but not like rags. If she doesn’t like it, Vasilissa already claimed it. It’s made for a SID body, but she doesn’t mind.

And now the frustration: The moths ate Erin’s sweater. I use to keep the doll clothes in boxes or in the closet, and the natural fiber wigs and my needle felted animals are in a box with moth repellent paper, but I forgot to hang some in the doll closet as well. Look what the moths did to this sweater :-(.

11 thoughts on “Success and frustration”

  1. The dress is great–rotten starburst indeed! πŸ˜€ The combination of fabrics (lace, netting, and whatever the base fabric is–a knit?) and effects (gradient, spatter, and dots) works very well together and I love that the top can be worn separately with pants. I imagine you can pair the skirt with other tops as well.

    It's a shame about the moths getting at your sweater. Can you fix it? If you have some of the yarn left over, it should be possible to pick up the stitches where the moths have eaten away at the wool. I don't remember if this is a girl's sweater or a man's. I have a feeling it's a man's; I seem to recall Everett wearing it. If it's a girl's and you can't fix the hole, perhaps you could embroider something to cover it. I've never had a problem with moths (knock on wood). I don't know if it's just too cold here most of the year for moths to find it worthwhile, or if they can't get into the plastic boxes where I keep most of my doll things, but it never occurred to me to mothproof anything. Maybe I've just been lucky.

  2. Thank you, Vasilissa already tried the skirt with a different top. I have a feeling she won't be parting with it :). I think I have to take the whole sweater apart and frog the knit down to the part where the moths ate the wool. My windows are open most days of the year, and although I keep most things in plastic boxes, some are in cardboard boxes, and those need some extra protection. I live in a turn of the century house, and it's ground floor with a garden. The occasional ant, spiders, moths… They are usually easy to control, I just have to remember using the repellents. My cat takes care of the spiders. It must have been a very naughty moth though, it's exactly where the nipples are.

  3. Judging from the things I've taken apart in order to fix them, it would be quicker to start a new one. I could make a naughty comment about your naughty moth, but it's Sunday and I'm being nice. πŸ˜€

  4. Visible mending is the thing now so that could be an option for the sweater – I've not seen any doll sized repairs but I live a very sheltered life, especially at the moment!
    The other thing that works well for small damage is needle felting the repair, and you obviously already have the skills in that department.

  5. The brown and black outfit is beautiful! I love it.
    You can consider making some embroidery on the sweater…

  6. Love the outfit Mia, but boy didn't those moths have a darn good munch!! I bet you were kicking yourself for forgetting to protect your sweater.
    Big hugs,

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