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Support for Musume

I am posting this today because I hope to help a fellow blogger.

Most of you will know Musume and her blog Mydollyadventures anyway, but in case you don’t: She has been doing about 70 interviews over the years, interviews with all kinds of creative people in the hobby.

I am sure a lot of time and effort went into this, and she has been providing background information and insight  you wouldn’t normally find anywhere else. This is high quality content, and I always found the interviews very interesting. Personally, I love to know more about the artists who create the dolls, and I have discovered artists I didn’t know before reading Musume’s interviews. And that’s why I hope I can give something back and try to support her.

So what’s this all about?

Musume is going to move from Argentinia to Australia to start a new life and a new job. But she doesn’t want to leave her cat behind. I can fully relate to this, being a cat owner myself. I would hate to part with mine, and her’s even looks a bit like my cat.

That’s her cat :). Isn’t he beautiful?

But moving an animal to another country is quite expensive. Vet costs for all the necessary vaccinations, quarantine and the flight box/care don’t come cheap, and even though Musume sold her favorite doll Coco it’s still not enough to cover all costs.

And that’s how we can help:

Musume has a support page on a creators support network called ‘buy me a coffee’.

If you want to support her by donating something to help her with moving her cat, please buy her a coffee!

Here is the link

It’s quite easy, you don’t need a log in, the buy button directs you to your choice of payment (most likely paypal), and you can buy a virtual coffee.

So if you have been reading and enjoying one of the interviews she posted on her blog, it would be great if you would support Musume. I think it’s great if people spend time and effort on doing something for the dolly community, and it’s good to have a chance to give something back. The girl deserves it, cat or no cat!

And she has some patterns on offer in case you want to sew something for your doll:


2 thoughts on “Support for Musume”

  1. I am sure she'll need all the support she can get, and it would be great if as many bloggers as possible try to help. By the way, links are usually automatically removed, and I tried to fix it this once. I will ad the link to my post in case it doesn't work.

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