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More Solveig pictures

With all the excitement about the new dolls I forgot : I have made a lot of pencil skirts and dresses for Solveig – and there are still more to come. Solveig loves bold patterns and strong colors.

She gets to wear all the fabric patterns I wouldn’t usually consider for this doll size. But there’s something so strong and vibrant about this girl that they don’t “drown” her.

Lets start with something less colorful, a two-piece top and a matching skirt.



The next outfit is a dark violet top and a striped pencil skirt.


Her denim dress closes in the back and comes with a belt.


I used the dress pattern for a couple of dresses.


Bright red and bold flowers, or 70ties pattern skirt and a green top?




I made this before she became Solveig. I like the dress, but Solveig isn’t really the tiny flowers kind of woman, isn’t she? The green top with the spots is another top I made before I knew her, and I am not quite sure about that either. What do you think?



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8 thoughts on “More Solveig pictures”

  1. Hi Mia!
    I wanted to come back and comment on this post because I thought all the outfits are lovely. However, my very favourite is the turquoise green outfit (dress & jacket), I think Solveig looks absolutely stunning in that colour.
    Big hugs,

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