Exciting news! Raccoondoll released a kid sized doll in scale with the mature women. The pre-ordering period for Ada, Jenny, Sua and Juliet with free shipping is from September 18 – October 22 (2023). You can see and order all of them on the Raccoon doll website
Raccoon made a wish come true
Do you remember the post about Kids for FIDs? I wrote about wanting kids in proportion with the mature Iplehouse and Raccoon dolls about three years ago. It was discussed on Den of Angles and in facebook groups. I even asked Iplehouse on their Q&A board, since they already had suitable KID doll bodies and would just have needed to shrink the heads to make them look proportional.
At first their reaction seemed positive, and I as well as other collectors still hoped it would happen. Well, it didn’t.
While there are other doll companies who released smaller dolls, the heads never seemed to have the right size. YOSD dolls usually come with the slightly larger heads that would make them a match in proportion with the usual SD size. And none of them was specifically designed to work as kid dolls for the fashion doll sized BJD.
Of course the community was still discussing possible offspring for the fashion doll sized mature dolls. But all the FID, Raccoon and SartoriaJ women and men just didn’t really fit in scale with possible offspring. Some vinyl dolls make lovely toddlers, but no children aged between 8 to 12 or something in that range in sight.
Since I first posted about this topic I felt more and more drawn to Raccoon dolls, and my latest additions have mostly been Raccoon girls. And since the release of the new slim body I was even more interested in them. In the meantime Raccoon released another new body, the “naturally posing body”. I am very curious about the differences, and as soon as the girls I ordered on this body arrive, I will be able to see for myself.
But this is not the reason why I am writing about dolls that have not even arrived yet. I just found the company very exceptional in their willingness to take on feedback or suggestions, and that was why I asked on the Raccoondoll Q&A if they would consider making child dolls in proportion with the mature women. That was in November 2022. Other collectors supported the request and we were very happy to get a positive answer. And Raccoon did it! The first child doll Juliet was released in May 23, but unfortunately the result was not quite what we all had been hoping for – somehow her face just didn’t match the body. She looked more like one of the Paola Reina friend dolls, cute, but not in the same way realistic as the mature dolls.
But being the exceptional artist that he is, Raccoon (I call him Raccoon, but I think it’s Mr Choi who makes the decisions and creates all the beautiful dolls) took on the feedback and released three new heads for the Kid body.
And what can I say, they are perfect. I already had two new mature dolls in the making, so I could just go for one of them for now. I chose Jenny, and the choice was difficult. Ada, Jenny and Sua are exactly what I had hoped for. And I really hope this new line will be a success for Raccoon.

I can’t emphasize enough how grateful and happy I am that an artist with such an ability to create unique sculpts was willing to release a kid doll line. I am sure there are many collectors who are very happy about this and can’t resist the new girls, but it was still kind of a risk to invest time into creating a new doll line just because a couple of people asked him to.
This is exceptional in the hobby, and I think the company deserves all the support they can get just for the willingness to make a dream come true. And that’s why I am writing this post. Maybe it’s strange, but I found it so heart warming that this happened that I thought a kind of “thank you” is in order. And of course I am hoping a lot of people will share the news to doll groups, or with people who collect FID, Raccoon and SartoriaJ dolls, just to support Raccoon and as a sign of appreciation. And of course to show and discuss the new family members. There is a discussion thread on DenOfAngels – even if it’s still a waiting room for now 🙂
So, how do the new kids look next to the mature dolls? Raccoon just posted comparison pictures of one of the new kid dolls next to a mature women, and I think the proportions should look pretty similar next to an Iplehouse FID doll or a SartoriaJ girl. I hope it’s ok to use one of the comparison pictures and use the Promo picture of Jenny for this post. I took them from the Raccoon website. Of course I will take a lot of pictures once my Jenny will arrive, and I plan to publish patterns for her as well as shoe-fit information.
More comparison pictures in different poses here
I really hope a lot of collectors will love the kids – and I have to think about a father. Should I get another guy? Or will Walden or Everett learn that they fathered a child years ago? I have to think about that a bit more…
I really like your Jenny, she’s beautiful, but I’m so tempted by Ada. I will try to resist though, at least until I’ve sold a couple of oldies. 🙂
She is not here yet, I took the picture from the Raccoon website. Ada is lovely too, I had a hard time deciding between those two.
Yes, I’ve seen that and I absolutely love all the young ones! I will have to save some money I think… 😉
I am sure Raccoon will have an Event again, so I am sure you will get a girl some day 🙂
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