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Weeding with Willow

Little Willow helped me weeding today. Well, not really, he is more of a plant-saver than puller, but it was nice of him to keep me company while I was working away in the sun.

The buttercups had to come out, but Willow saved some petals.



These white flowers are called Cerastium Tomentosum. I believe their common name is snow-in-summer, but I am not sure. They are very pretty, but spread quickly. I just cut them back a little.



After Willow picked a couple of flowers for his mom he couldn’t resist taking a dive into the pink marguerites.



Thanks for the help, Willow :).


MYou Rod – Twig


I wish you all a sunny and warm rest of the week. We have a public holiday tomorrow, but it’s very cold for this time of year. I hope it will be nice tomorrow.

