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More stripes for Queenie

The striped shirt I made for Queenie suited her personality so well that I made a second one in different colors. This stripy fabric is one of the latest acquisitions, and I really like the size of the stripes. Perfect scale for smaller dolls.

It’s really fun to see the difference in light, the first four pictures are taken before noon, the last two with the warm hue are late afternoon.


I think my other girls will want more stripes, too. I hope you don’t get bored with the shirt posts ;).

6 thoughts on “More stripes for Queenie”

  1. One can never be bored with stripes. She looks great in this pattern though. And yes, you can really see the difference in tone and by extension atmosphere between the different time of day a photo is taken. I’m really happy that I get to enjoy these types of dolls through your blog. These are the types I admire from other collectors.

    1. Thank you! I wish my photographing skills were better, or at least the light was better. But I am very glad you enjoy them ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Queenie is such a beauty, and the stripes suit her wonderfully. Lighting can make such a difference, I never get it quite right myself in my pictures, but yours look great!

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