My boys don’t have that many shoes. They are quite content with sneakers and a pair of boots, and although I have other shoes for them they tend to wear the same shoes with everything. They’re boys, after all.
The first picture shows the Iple Jid boy foot, which is rather narrow compared to other boy feet. It looks as if it could almost fit into the MSD girl shoe. It doesn’t, though. But Iple JID boys fit into some standard unisex sneakers and boots, and since I found some that look good I didn’t bother searching for other shoe options.

These black boots are Finns favorites. They look the right size compared to other MSD boy boots. They are regular basic Dollzone boots, they are also available in white and you can get them in almost every doll clothes shop. I don’t even remember where I got them, but they’re item 0614b in the Denverdoll shop.

These are the Dollzone basic shoes, but compared with the boots they look huge. And they are wider than his feet and longer than the boots.

These were actually the first boots I got for the boys, and even though they don’t look as large as other MSD boots, they’re still a bit off proportion wise. At least for my taste. If you like a boy in military style clothing, they’d be fine, probably. They’re from ACbjd, too.

Good job! Love the top photo–it's an effective way to show that the toes are too long for the shoe. The bottom photo doesn't look all that out of proportion to me. Work boots need to look like they can withstand some rough use, which these do. Finn's boots look perfect for a fashion boot rather than a work boot. And no doubt about it, those Dollzone shoes look big. I have a pair that looks like that, although I don't think they were Dollzone. My Dollmore vampire boy is the only one who can wear them as he is the closest I have to a standard MSD size.
The last one really doesn't look that big in the picture. Maybe they just look bigger if you put them on with skinny pants that can be worn tucked in the boots.
JID boys do have tricky feet, but you found some god shoes! I love the last ones, the brown boots. Those are perfect!
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