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Cabbage couture and butterflies

I recently went through one of my cabbage boxes, just to see if I could bring myself to toss some of it. All those really small pieces… one could still use them for a pocket or a button panel… πŸ˜€

You might have an idea how much of it accumulated over the years. Or maybe not. It’s a LOT. And I found a couple of remnants that gave me an idea – and Dandelion a new dress. Cabbage couture. If there’s a girl in the house who loves stuff like that, it’s Dandelion.


Happy hippie colors…

6 thoughts on “Cabbage couture and butterflies”

  1. Beautiful Mia! Great way to use up stuff that we all tend to hoard “just in case”, and I love her in that last photo. 😍
    Big hugs,

  2. That dress is perfect for Dandelion! The photo with the butterfly is awesome, and I too love the last picture. Also, bravo for recycling the pieces in such a creative way!

  3. I know the feeling. I have my own cabbage drawer and really can’t bear to throw away this or that scrap of fabric. I love what you’ve done with this!

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