After I finished the porch bench for the girls, they complained that they didn’t even have a porch. Time to build one.
Since lack of storage space is always a problem I thought it would be a good idea to build something that can be folded and would serve as a multi-purpose diorama.
I want something I can put on my coffee table. It gets some light and it has a good height for taking pictures – no extreme gymnastic exercises necessary.
And I found a solution. I bought a saw horse and moved the metal parts that keep the legs in position. The result is a foldable floor and wall frame in a square angle.

The next step was building the wall and floor. I used construction lumber for this.

Since it’s supposed to be multi-purpose, I made the window in a way that allows for using both sides. The backside of the floor will be a nice photo-backdrop, and the backside of the porch wall will serve as a wall with a window to work with my back yard garden diorama (I have to construct the base for the garden separately).
The next picture shows the back side of the floor and the window and window frame.

I want the porch with overlapping siding in a nice blue-ish grey color. The siding is made from finn cardboard. Since I started this I built an extension to make the wall wider, something I should have done right from the start. Lesson learned. The final diorama is not as small as the frame in the pictures, but I have a bit more space for props next to the bench. All the kitties need some space to play and sleep, right?

I have finished most of the construction and now I just need to build my garden. That will take some time, but with a couple more props my porch is more or less finished. Now I need time and sunny weather to arrange everything and take pictures.
This is amazing! You are so clever with carpentry and construction. I can't wait to see this set up with dolls, props, and kitties.
Thank you :). I hope we'll have nice weather this weekend. I made more kitties, did you see? I added them to the previous post.
That's going to be one hell of a diorama Mia, and I have to agree with BJW regarding your carpentry skills, well done! Now I can hardly wait for your next post to see what you do next. I also like your choice of colour for the siding. 🙂
Big hugs,
Thank you :). I hope my plans will work, some of what I have in mind will be quite an experiment.
Thank you for sharing this! It's a great post. I love the things you make – they are just perfect.
Thank you :). You've been building as well, right? I sometimes wish my dolls were as small as your's :).
Yes, I did. I made a dollhouse for my Daughter (Hubby helped a lot). It's still work in progress. 😉
1/6 scale is definitely easier to keep at home. 😀
But I'm planning some diorama(s?) for my Raccoon girl, so… I need to find place for it. 🙂
You girls are really demanding! Whose arent? xD
Anyways, this diorama is looking great, and I love how you created the front wood! I stand by what I said before. You are truly talented!
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