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Important changes for followers and changes in commenting

Unfortunately Blogger will no longer support Google Plus profiles and comments, since Google plus will end in April. I am not quite sure what will happen to the existing comments, I guess they will disappear from the blog and commenters will only be able to comment with their blogger profile or email and name. Since I have been using blogger with my Google plus profile, my comments will probably dissapear from your blogs as well. I will see what happens if I change from posting as Mia W to posting with my blogger name.

This is the original announcement:

Please see below for a summary of changes affecting Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019 following the recent announcement of Google+ API deprecation (scheduled for March 2019).

  • Google+ widgets: Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs. 
  • +1 buttons: The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed.
  • Google+ Comments on your blogs: Support for Google+ Comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ Comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments on 4 February 2019. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger and will no longer appear on your blog.
  • Google+ Profile: In March 2019, Blogger will revert to only having Blogger profiles. Users that have selected a G+ profile in the past will appear as unknown authors until they next login to Blogger and supply a new display name and avatar.

I have to say I am not happy about this, but I hope my favorite commenters will still leave a comment using their blogger profiles.

If you have been following this blog via google+ and would still like to follow ResinRapture in the future I would very much appreciate it if you’d hit the subscibe button at the top.
Or follow via feedreader, the buttons are  below all the doll pictures on the left.

Thank you so much!

6 thoughts on “Important changes for followers and changes in commenting”

  1. I'm glad somebody reads the announcements, because I sure didn't. It appears it won't affect me, however, as I've been using my Blogger profile for comments all along.

  2. I am a bit worried what will happen to the followers. Most of the blog followers follow via google, and I am not sure if they read this. Oh, we'll see. And I will be commenting as ResinRapture in the future. I am very happy that I won't lose your comments, I would really miss our blog-communication.

  3. Hi Mia,
    Don't worry those that love reading your blog will still be around to comment. I never did like Google + and refused to change from my old blogger profile, besides I have you listed in "Blogs I Enjoy" in my side bar, so I'm not far away. 🙂
    Big hugs,

  4. Thank you! I used google plus as a convenient way to log in, but I will get used to the change. I have to admit I am not that big on commenting, I try to read all new posts on blogs I follow, but I don't often comment on posts. So I hope it's not to much work for bloggers to clean up the replies to comments of my old profile that no longer exist.

  5. I think that existing G+ comments will dissapear, sadly D: I have already switch back to the traditional Google profile, but the comments should be migrated or something!

    I will keep commenting, though!

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