Just a note for all those who find this via Pinterest (I can see that this post is clicked quite often):
This blog is not a Barbie blog. If you are interested in beautiful fashion for Barbie, I recommend visiting my blogger friend Kamelia’s blog http://kameliadolls.blogspot.com/
Something a bit different today…
I usually don’t work on vinyl dolls and I don’t own any other Barbies or Monster High dolls. But my friend Balljointedwoman recently showed her massive haul of Ever After Highs, and that reminded me I wanted to try to repaint one.
This curvy Fashionista Barbie is a gift- or rather a trade for a sewing commission. A friend’s daughter parted with her for a ball gown I made for one of her other dolls, and I happily accepted the suggested trade. Who wants to argue with a seven year old who drives a hard bargain? I suspect she didn’t like the body and was happy to let her go. That’s at least what her mom told me. Her suggestion was that her daughter should empty the dishwasher for a week to earn the dress, so I guess we are all happy with the deal ;-).

I have conjunctivitis at the moment and my eyesight is kind of impaired, so I have not started with repainting the face. It’s a surprisingly inflexible doll if you are used to BJD. But her face is quite pretty and rather expressive for a Barbie. The dress and hat are the clothes she came in.
But since I know that the curvy Barbie body doesn’t fit into ordinary Barbie clothes I decided to make a simple pattern and share it on the blog. It’s free and you can use it all you want.
Since I can’t upload PDF files I decided to share it as JPG. If you place it in Word and use the crop tool to crop down to the scaling help, you can scale the rectangle to exactly 50mm and undo the cropping. The rest of the image will show again in the right size.

The photo shows a rather sloppy pattern test of the leggings and the long top. I made the sleeves a bit longer on purpose, so Rachel can wear it as well.

That sounds like a trade that benefitted everyone. 😀 I love that the newer Barbies have such pretty faces. I never liked the face on the original Barbie. And it's great that Mattel is finally acknowledging that not every woman is shaped like original Barbie. I think there are even some dolls with flat feet. (By the way, my dolls are Ever After High dolls. They're the ones that are more normal looking than the Monster High.)
Cute outfit! I wish I had a curvy doll who could wear it. Everyone here is disgustingly skinny, with the exception of my first two Raccoon girls, who are too big overall for the pattern.
:D. True. You are right, this one has flat feet. Oops, I will change it to Ever After High. I am pretty sure you could alter the pattern by reducing the width of the waistline and hips. Her upper body is as skinny as Rachel's.
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