This one is the answer to a request.
A while ago I received my FID Isabel on the curvy body. It’s the nYID body en miniature, and clothes sharing between FID classic and FID curvy is pretty much like that between SID and nYID. Tops with short sleeves work, stretchy pants might.
The measurements of the FID curvy body are pretty close to that of the Raccoon glamorous body, although the thighs of the curvy FID girls are a bit slimmer.
Raccoon glamorous thigh circumference is 14cm, FID curvy have 13,5cm thighs, which makes them just those annoying 5mm wider than classic FID girl’s thighs. I don’t own a glamorous Raccoon, so I can’t tell if they can share pants. The stretchy Raccoon pants fit the curvy FID girl, but the cotton pants that I made for the slim Raccoon body are too tight in the upper leg. Roux pants on the other hand are too wide in the waist and slightly too long. If they were tight, they wouldn’t fit in the butt and thigh region.
The girls in a row with basic measurements: Raccoon slim body, FID curvy body, FID classic body and a JID girl body.

Like nYID girls the FID curvy body legs have a slight bend to them. I haven’t sueded the ankle joints yet, and I got the impression the classic body stands a bit more safely on it’s own without shoes.
But the curvy girls pose just as good as the other FID bodies, and the three sizes in a row show the variation in body size and shape. I think they would make lovely siblings of different ages.
The curvy FID looks very similar to the Raccoon glamour body. I have the Raccoon but not the curvy FID. It's very hard to find pants to fit Raccoon's thunder thighs and wide hips, which is why I was surprised to try a Capri pants pattern designed for the classic FID body and find it an almost perfect fit on Raccoon. It should be mentioned that the pants are hip huggers with no waistband. I suspect pants with a waistband would be another story, as the Raccoon waistline is 2cm smaller than the FID. Last year when I tried Sartoria J clothing on a variety of body shapes, the only pants that the Raccoon glamour body could get into were stretch athletic pants.
Once I've made a pants pattern for her I'll send it to you for testing, but I guess a little variation on the leggings patter would work as well. The curvy body has a narrow waist and wide hips like the Raccoon glamour body, and pants with a little stretch designed fo r the curvy FID should fit the Raccoon glamour as well. I have to figure out the scaling percentage for nYID clothes and see if those patterns really fit.
Thank you for this comparison – it's very intresting for me. I have only Raccoon girl on the slim body. I'm planning to buy another doll from Iplehouse in some time, now I will be able to decide which body to choose. 🙂
The slim Raccoon body is beautiful- although I find the FIDs easier to pose. Especially their legs seem to find elegant poses almost on their own. Raccoon have the advantage of coming with mobility thighs by default, and their knees are easier to keep in an angle. I love the curvy FID body, it's the perfect body for dresses.
Thank you for those valuable comments. I'll keep them in mind.
Wow, honestly? I wasn't expecting the height difference and head size to be so notorious! They are really tall! But I'm sure the JID heads would look great anyways on the FID bodies. Have you tried swapping heads just for the sake of it?
By the way, thanks a lot for doing this! It is really helpful!
I have, but it looks seriously weird. There's a post somewhere (and pictures of the comparison on my flickr).
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