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Red hair and blue knit

You have seen this fabric before, but I love how it looks on Tristania. I made light blue knit pants for her to go with it. The lovely tulips in the background are another gift from my friend T.  Thank you 🙂

6 thoughts on “Red hair and blue knit”

  1. This look is perfect, I love the colours with her hair, beautiful job done! They tulips are a lovely gift 🙂

    1. Thank you! It’s not the first bunch of tulips I got from her, but the color combination of this one is my favorite so far.

  2. This top is one of my favourite Mia made garments and it looks especially great with the new pants. You are a very capable seamstress and I enjoy seeing what you make for your dolls.

    I love tulips, actually if I’m being honest, I like most flowers, especially yellow ones. They always brighten up a room and make me feel happy when I look at them. BTW my azaleas are coming into full bloom in the garden and all the bulbs hubby planted are beginning to peek through the soil. I’ll share some photos later on.

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you! I like this pattern very much, it’s looking different on every girl. Yellow flowers – I especially like how they look when it’s gloomy or a thunderstorm is coming up. They kind of glow like extraterrestrial flowers :). Oh, good to know, I am heading over to your blog to see what you postetd. You too!

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