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Let there be light – and a bed spread

First: I hope everything works again as it should. An update destroyed all my post previews on the landing pages, and while I was fixing that I changed some things. I tried to make it look better in mobile view. But if you receive the newsletter and never visit the blog you probably don’t remember how it looked before and didn’t even notice some things were gone temporarily.

But now to the really important things :).

Do you remember my tiny bed room? I somehow forgot to continue working on it, but after I found a tiny lamp for the desk I thought it was time to do something with the room again.

The bed has a bed spread now. I am not sure if it isn’t too much of a color and pattern mix with the cushions and the rug. But I like how it looks, and Perdita seems to like it.



It’s getting dark early. Probably one of the things I hate most about this time of year. I found this little lamp in one of my prop boxes, very nice to brighten up the evening.


I will take more pictures of the tiny bed room soon, I am just waiting for the next sunny Sunday to show you all the details. Let there be light, and warmth and colorful bed spreads!


5 thoughts on “Let there be light – and a bed spread”

  1. Perdita Is such a lucky girl. Altho I’ve got bed for all my “children” I do not have any box rooms. I only have a few bunkbeds (the rest are in boxes that I have made into beds) but don’t have much room left for box rooms. Yours is excellent.

  2. I wouldn’t worry about the colour and pattern mix Mia, I think the colours only add to the cosy warm feeling of the room. Besides if Perdita likes it that way, who cares what anyone else thinks. 🙂
    Big hugs,

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