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Down for maintenance

No, not the blog :). It’s time for a wig wash, doll clean and general maintenance again. The weather is so nice and warm at the moment that everything will air-dry nicely within a day or two.

I don’t like to wash wigs too often, but they collect dust over the years, even if the dolls are mostly behind closed cabinet doors. Most of the time I braid my doll’s hair to keep the hair from snarling when I don’t take them out for photos, but the wigs tend to get messy around the face and at the nape-part. A lot of my dolls wear Monique wigs, and especially the Pretty girl wigs get staticky easily.

So my girls and boys have to live bald for a couple of days, at least those with synthetic mohair wigs. I don’t wash the lambskin wigs, and if I have to, I try to do it without getting water on the leather cap. I have a special lambskin detergent I use for that. The only problem with lambskin wigs is that you have to keep moth paper in the doll closet. The little buggers love natural fibers. The synthetic mohair wigs get a cold water + fabric softener treatment. The softener helps to comb the hair without ripping too much, and it helps to style the wigs after the hair dries. I don’t use softener with my own laundry anymore, so I get at least some use out of the bottle I have.



Wig caps accumulate dust and fiber, and if they are too furry they don’t do their job properly. But a bath in lukewarm water with a bit of dish detergent is enough to make them look and feel like new. All sticky again πŸ™‚

Wig cap wash


Water and dish soap is what I use to clean the dolls as well. For some reason nYID hands always seem to attract the most dirt compared to other hands, I don’t know why. And since all my doll’s hands are blushed, I don’t like to use doll cleaner too often. It’s as abrasive as it should be, and it might damage the sealant as well. Microfibre cloth and dish soap is usually all I need to get dirt off the dolls.


I wash my hands of it….


I might take a little break from blogging. Not long, I promise. It’s just such lovely weather that I want to work as much as possible in the garden, and cleaning the dolls (and re-organizing doll stuff) usually takes a while. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!


8 thoughts on “Down for maintenance”

  1. That sounds like a lot of work but worth the effort. And this time of year, it’s lovely to be in the garden on a nice day. Enjoy!

    1. My collection is still manageable, so it’s not too much work. Yes, I am so glad there’s a bit of green, I certainly will, thank you!

  2. You was really busy. πŸ™‚ But I love work like that – it’s a pleasure not work to be truth. I love beeing busy this way. And yes, I understand the urge to go outside and just be there.

    1. It would be ideal if I could do the washing outside. Great combination, actually. But I guess one can’t have everything πŸ˜€

  3. The wigs and everything else will smell so nice from drying outside, it gives extra freshness ☺️ Have fun, with the maintenance of both the doll stuff and the plants!

  4. Honestly, wig caps are *the worse* thing to clean up. I need to clean up several things, including one of my lenses D:
    You are so tidy, though. I admire that!

    1. Thank you! I am not really that tidy. I try to be, more out of necessity. With so little space you have to put things where they belong.

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