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It’s the same every year, I almost forget about Halloween. Of course it’s hard to miss the Halloween themed pictures popping up everywhere, but the holiday doesn’t really have any cultural significance where I live. Like Valentine’s day it’s an adopted holiday. Halloween parties and the occasional Halloween decoration, but that’s it. No costumes or trick-or-treating.

We have St. Martin’s day in November, with processions at night, where kids with self made paper lanterns follow a “St. Martin” on a white horse to a place where a bonfire is lit. After that the children go from house to house with their lanterns, sing songs and expect candy in return. They don’t wear costumes, though, that would be at carnival.

Anyway, the kids love every opportunity to dress up. Dots wanted to be a ghost, and Mailin helped with her costume. Amanthis found a new bony friend. Skeletons don’t scare her in that size- and he looks rather friendly, doesn’t he?



But since holidays became sort of international, I took the liberty to mix Halloween with the Día de los Muertos. I have not posted this one I believe.


Happy Halloween! Is Halloween a thing where you live?

8 thoughts on “Boo!”

  1. How interesting! Halloween is a nearly a month long celebration where I live, with corn mazes on weekends in October, and hay rides and Halloween fairs and parties in the days leading up to trick or treating. I’ve even won costume contests at work! How interesting to think the holiday is so different in other places.

    1. Thank you, I think it’s interesting too. I have just recently learned that Halloween is originally a Gaelic holiday, brought to the US by Irish immigrants. I think every culture has some sort of holiday to mark the beginning of winter, each one with regional traditions. The whole costume thing is going on at carnival season over here (which starts at 11th of November and ends with a three day party in February).

  2. It’s not been a thing here either until recent years Mia, I think the internet is the reason it’s catching on with the younger generation here in Oz. And lets face it we all love dressing our dolls, so any excuse is used to have some fun. Love your Blythe, did you paint her?
    Big hugs,

    1. I think you are right, at least as far as online “celebration” goes. True :). Thank you, yes, a while ago already, but I didn’t post her before.

  3. Hi Mia, despite all the efforts of stores, Halloween still isn’t a big thing over here. We have carnaval instead, in February, and that is very popular in certain areas, but also not where I live. We also had Driekoningen (3 kings) in January, but that is a tradition gone lost now. Although, my bakery still bakes cakes with a bean in it (who gets the bean is the King). I like Halloween, and made my own tradition of watching horror movies on the 31st. 😀 Your Blythe is gorgeous, I love the artwork, and the skulls on her eyelids.

    1. Efforts of stores – that’s what it is, really. And that’s probably why it comes across more like a sales effort than a holiday. Lucky you, I wish carnival was less popular here as well. I have never heard of the bean cake, that’s interesting. What I like about Halloween is that you can find little skeletons as props :D. Thank you!

      1. I did buy a plastic skeleton a couple of months ago, it’s rather big and is jointed (yay! :D) I want to use it for a Halloween post. Here we have a “carnaval” city, Aalst, where lots of people work a whole year on costumes, parade wagons etc. I’m not into all those things either, so I’m glad that it’s not near where I live lol!

        1. I have a big one, too. It’s sitting in my studio as decoration. I use to avoid public space during carnival, Lots of drunk people who think they have a right to touch me are just not my thing ;D

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