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EID woman hand parts compared to nYID boy hand parts

I put Leander’s hands on Tristania by accident after I blushed his and her new hands, and I have to say, I like the nYID boy hands better on her. She’s a strong character, and the super slender fingers don’t fit her as well as the slightly broader, veined hands. I think I might order nYID boy hands for her. They have the same size, her hand ring parts are a bit thicker.

A quick comparison picture, please excuse the quality, it’s getting dark. And the hands are blushed already, his have a slightly more masculine look – as intended. But without blushing the veins and some nail polish they don’t really look much like a guy’s hands.


Left hands: nYID boy hands, right hands are new EID woman hands


And just for the fun of it, Leander with EIDw hand parts.

NYID boy with EID woman hands


Iplehouse Oscar with woman hands

And to make it complete: Old and new EID man hands:

BJD bodyreview – ResinRapture